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Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest s in human life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. Yet there are three days which are usually marked by some kind of special ceremony: the day we are born: the day we get married and the day wedie. These are the three main s in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings—from the most primitive to the most sophisticated —are affected by these three s. The only thing that differs in each society is the way these s are celebrated. Yet all societies share common characteristics. Birth is a time of joy. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born. Marriage is also a time of joy. The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all three s are usually remembered.In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying " I do it" to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by communicating with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say "I’ll do it ". This difference can serve as a basis for the student to change his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to communicate in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion poll(民意测验). Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in type of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women — especially women in their childbearing years actually delay economic development and result in lower productivity, poor quality and inefficiency. To solve the problem, they have suggested that the working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would retain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better. The suggestion has been rejected by 9out of 10 people polled. A hundred persons in a big city were questioned last. summer. Out of 50 women, 46 said they were unwilling to leave their jobs, no matter what the situation was. The other 4 said they would like to return home if their jobs could be taken by their sons or daughters. Of 50 men polled, only 6 said they would like to see their wives give up their jobs, if it meant higher wages for themselves. Some other people have suggested another way called " phased employment theory". The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant(妊娠)and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggests that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the 3-year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society. Some of those polled, both women and men, felt the idea is a good one. It definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to home forever.Traditionally, universities have carried out two main activities: research and teaching. Many experts would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community. The fundamental question, however, is how does the community want or need to be served In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the governments and the public to ensure that they do not remain "ivory towers(象牙塔)" of study separated from the realities of everyday life. University teachers have been encouraged, and in some cases constrained(强逼), to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use. If Aristotle wanted to work in a university in the UK today, he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily employable asa philosopher. A post-industrial society requires large numbers of computer programmers, engineers, managers and technicians to maintain and develop its economic growth but "man" , as the Bible says, "does not live by bread alone. " Apart from requiring medical and social services, which donot directly contribute to economic growth, the society should also value and enjoy literature, music and the arts. Because they can also promote economic growth. A successful musical play, for instance, can contribute as much to the Gross National Product through tourist dollars as any other things.Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest s in human life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. Yet there are three days which are usually marked by some kind of special ceremony: the day we are born: the day we get married and the day wedie. These are the three main s in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings—from the most primitive to the most sophisticated —are affected by these three s. The only thing that differs in each society is the way these s are celebrated. Yet all societies share common characteristics. Birth is a time of joy. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born. Marriage is also a time of joy. The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all three s are usually remembered.In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are secondary considerations that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who has been saying " I do it" to express willingness to do something in the immediate future, could, by communicating with native speakers of English, observe that native speakers actually say "I’ll do it ". This difference can serve as a basis for the student to change his way of using the present tense in English. But a student who is unwilling to communicate in the first place would lose this opportunity to learn by trial and error.Traditionally, universities have carried out two main activities: research and teaching. Many experts would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community. The fundamental question, however, is how does the community want or need to be served In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the governments and the public to ensure that they do not remain "ivory towers(象牙塔)" of study separated from the realities of everyday life. University teachers have been encouraged, and in some cases constrained(强逼), to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use. If Aristotle wanted to work in a university in the UK today, he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily employable asa philosopher. A post-industrial society requires large numbers of computer programmers, engineers, managers and technicians to maintain and develop its economic growth but "man" , as the Bible says, "does not live by bread alone. " Apart from requiring medical and social services, which donot directly contribute to economic growth, the society should also value and enjoy literature, music and the arts. Because they can also promote economic growth. A successful musical play, for instance, can contribute as much to the Gross National Product through tourist dollars as any other things.Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion poll(民意测验). Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in type of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women — especially women in their childbearing years actually delay economic development and result in lower productivity, poor quality and inefficiency. To solve the problem, they have suggested that the working women stay at home while their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that under these circumstances, families would retain their same level of income, and women could run the house and raise children much better. The suggestion has been rejected by 9out of 10 people polled. A hundred persons in a big city were questioned last. summer. Out of 50 women, 46 said they were unwilling to leave their jobs, no matter what the situation was. The other 4 said they would like to return home if their jobs could be taken by their sons or daughters. Of 50 men polled, only 6 said they would like to see their wives give up their jobs, if it meant higher wages for themselves. Some other people have suggested another way called " phased employment theory". The theory suggests that a woman worker take leave from her job when she is seven months pregnant(妊娠)and stay off the job until her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggests that women on leave receive 75 percent of their normal salary and be allowed to return to work after the 3-year period. This will benefit children, women, their families and the society. Some of those polled, both women and men, felt the idea is a good one. It definitely seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion that women return to home forever.
The Aristotle example is used to make the point that( ).

universities in theUK have produced too much good for graduates
such abstract subjects as philosophy is no longer useful
education should serve the social needs
it is advisable for today’s philosophers to know computer science
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