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[1/633]书面表达。      假设你是光明中学的学生李华,得知国外某大学历史悠久。课程灵活,有意申请到该校英语系学习。...
Dear Sir,
     My name is Li Hua, from Guang Ming High School in Beijing, China. I would like to apply for admission
to the English Dept of your school.
     I am a seventeen-year-old boy, and now in Senior Grade 3. I am sociable, easy-going, and good at
communicating with others. I have made many friends and I can work well in a team. Meanwhile, I am quite
independent and it is easy for me to adapt to a new environment.
     As a senior student, I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.
I am sure that I shall graduate at the top of my class. I am especially good at English, and have won the first
prize in an English Speech Contest. All this will enable me to continue my studies in your department without
having much trouble with a language barrier. Therefore, I believe English is a good major for me.
     I should be grateful if you can take my application into consideration.
     Looking forward to your early reply.
                                                                                                                                  Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                  Li Hua
[2/633]书面表达。 你们学校最近做了一项调查,调查的主题是: 【图片】请你就此用英文写一篇文章.注意:1.词数100-120 词.  &n...
     Recently, Our school has carried out a survey about whether students will do some part-time
work during the winter holiday. 89% of the students said no. First, their parents won't allow them
to do so; second, they are so busy with their studies during the holiday that they can't afford the
time to do it; third, they are not sure what job they can do. 11% of the students planned to work
during the winter holiday. They think working is a good chance to put what they have learned into
practice. Through work, they can gain lots of social experience. In addition, by doing a part-time
job to earn some money, they can reduce their parents` pressure.

“Millions of young students nationwide sports sunshine” launched on April 29, 2007. The teachers and students in our school were organized to watch the launching ceremony together first, and then we went to the playground to have one-hour sports activities, such as running, doing exercises and playing basketball. I felt very good after having some sports.
I think it is a good way to build up our body strength. Sports can also let brains have a rest so that our study will be more effective. To do physical exercises an hour a day will make us happy a whole life, so I will keep on doing it. I hope more and more people will join us in sports activities.
[4/633]第二节:书面表达(共25分) 假如你是高三学生李华,你的笔友Tim给你发了一封电子邮件,向你了解高考后这个暑假的打算。你给他回复,告诉他你将去上海参加...

One possible version:
Dear Tim,
I’ve received your email, asking me about my plan for the summer vacation. Now let me tell you something exciting.
I’ve applied to be a volunteer for the World Expo 2010 Shanghai and I’ll start working as soon as I have finished the entrance examination.
The exposition is a grand intermational gathering, which is expected to attract 70 million visitors from both home and abroad. And what makes it unique is that it is being held in a developing country for the first time. Can you imagine how proud I feed to be able to do my bit for this special occasion?
Speaking of the volunteer work, I’ll mainly help out in Beijing Pavilion, where I will show the visitors around and introduce the magnificent buildings to them, such as the Forbidden City, the Bird’s Nest and so on. It’ll be a good chance to help the visitors to get to know about the culture of Beijing. Apart form my work as a volunteer, I will certainly pay a visit to different pavilions., I won’t miss seeing the great inventions and achievements on  display and I can experience different cultures as well as exchange ideas with people around the world. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?
I hope you can come and see it for yourself.
Fondly Yours,
Li Hua

Recently our class have had a heated discussion about wheather it is necessary for the teacher to often keep in touch with the students’ parents.
Some of my classmates are in favour of the idea.They think the teacher should often tell everything the students do at school to their parents.One of the main reasons is that the parents can learn more about the students’ study as well as life at school.On the other hand,the parents can do whatever they can in time to join hands with the teacher to help the students.
Others,however,think that they should not.They think it is their own faults that the teacher informs of the parents,which will lead to the students’ being scolded.If  a student were often punished, he would go against the teacher’s wishes and give up studying in the end.
In my opinion,it is important that the teacher should be objective at all times.
Li Hua
[6/633]书面表达(满分25分) 我校近年来国际交流活动频繁,需要在学生中招募志愿者。请你以“Dos and Don’ts for the Volunteers...
Dos and Don’ts for the Volunteers for Our School’s Exchange Programmes
Some students will be chosen as volunteers for our school’s rapid-developing exchange programmes with schools abroad. What should the volunteers do and what should not they do?
Firstly, they should be polite and friendly to the visitors from all over the world, and avoid improper behaviour. Secondly, they should stick to their posts, offering good services, satisfying any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty, and never fail to do their duty. Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know China better and never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland.
[7/633]书面表达。      星期一,你们开了个班会讨论 “上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗?” 以下图表是讨论结果。根据图...
                                               Is It the Only Way Out To Go To College?   
     We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Views vary
from person to person. The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college. They think it can widen
their knowledge and improve their qualities. Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation. Very
few students, that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going to university, because the tuition is
too high for their family to afford. What's more, it's rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.
Thirty percent of the students, however, believe "All roads lead to Rome". Therefore it doesn't make any
difference whether they go to college or not.
     In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.
[8/633]书面表达。      假定你是李华,现就读于华阳一中。你校大门口有一条街,两边是商店、饭店,每当上下班时他们总...
Dear editor,
     I'm a student of Huayang No. 1 Middle School. In front of our school gate is a street, on both sides of
which are many shops and restaurants. Every day during rush hour, especially at noon, stalls selling everyday
goods and food appear on the street, which makes it terribly crowded. First, cars and passersby have difficulty
in passing through the street. Thus it makes it dangerous for the students to go in or out of school. Secondly,
the street is made dirty with so many plastic bags and waste water everywhere.
     A school, in my opinion, should be a place with clean and quiet surroundings. So I do hope some measures
should be taken to improve the situation.
                                                                                                                                   Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                                   Li Hua
Dear teachers and schoolmates, it’s a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you. I’m interested in English and hope to be an interpreter in the future. Naturally it’s very important for me to learn English well. As everybody knows, vocabulary is an important part of language, just like bricks in a building. Usually I memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possi ble. After class, I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio. Besides, I’ve learnt a lot about other countries’ culture from the Internet and other sources.
Now, I’d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. Firstly, we should be given abundant chances to practice using what we’ve learned to have a better grasp of it. Secondly, I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and gives us more free time to read them. Finally, I suggest we have more English activities, such as English contests and festivals.
[10/633]12 (2010·山东烟台开发区高中高三10月月考) 最近,关于“高中取消文理分科(abolishing science-humanities div...

One possible version:
Recently, abolishing science-humanities division has aroused a nationwide debate.Many people go firmly for it, which they think is in line with the international trend and can broaden students’horizons.As a result, their comprehensive power can be improved.
However, some others hold the opposite view.In their opinion, the current educational resources are too limited to fulfill the aim of offering students wide education in all aspects.So it may be sensible for students to concentrate on what they are interested in and gain some knowledge in advance in some specific areas.
Personally I firmly stand for the abolition of such an educational system,for only those who develop well in all aspects can survive in the complex world.It’s easier for them to gain the good qualities,such as self-control,conscientiousness,and adaptability, etc.These qualities can ensure you a bright world in your career
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